Professor Md. Sayedur Rahman
Professor Md. Sayedur Rahman, CMC 21 for Outstanding Contribution in the field of Public Health.
Professor Sayedur Rahman is the leading warrior fighting a war against antibiotic abuse and unregulated antibiotic use in Bangladesh. He is slowly changing the tide! He has recently been interviewed by international media like BBC, the independent newspaper in UK and brought the issue in the forefront of national and international public health discourse.
Professor Rahman, after graduating from Chittagong Medical College, obtained M Phil in pharmacology and later he was conferred honorary FCPS. Currently he is the chair of department of Pharmacology of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University. He also is the chair of Bangladesh pharmacological Society and also serves as the Chair of the committee to formulate national antibiotic usage guidelines. Professor Rahman has been an expert witness for the appellate division of Bangladesh Supreme Court on antibiotic abuse related litigations. Professor Rahman is a celebrated teacher and has a checkered career as a medical educator in Bangladesh. Professor Rahman is an author of numerous peer reviewed journal articles and is a regular contributor to international and national electronic media including BBC, the Guardian etc.